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About Our School Counseling Program

What is School Counseling?

As outlined by the American School Counseling Association (ASCA), a school counseling program is: comprehensive in scope, preventative in design and developmental in nature. So what does this mean?

Comprehensive in Scope:
School Counselors focus on what all students from Kindergarten through 12th grade should know and be able to do academically, career-wise and personally/socially.

• Preventative in Design:
The school guidance curriculum teaches specific skills and learning opportunities that serve as prevention education.

• Developmental in Nature:
School counselors offer programs suitable to each student’s appropriate developmental levels.

School Counseling is an important part of the entire educational program. Counselors support students in three domains: academic, career and personal/social.

• Academic:
School counselors help children develop skills that will help them learn effectively.

• Career:
Counselors also help students acquire skills that will prepare them to be successful in careers later in life.

• Personal/Social:
Effective school counselors also help children learn social skills and teach children respect for themselves and others.

Programs Offered By Our Counseling Department:

Individual counseling
Group counseling
Guidance-classroom lessons
Crisis intervention
Conflict resolution
Consultation and collaboration with students and parents
Career awareness programs
Academic planning
Goal setting