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The Puma Mission

The mission of the Picolata Crossing Media Center is to engage students in the world of literacy, information technology, and STEM experiences.  Our goal is to promote life-long learners while supporting the BEST Standards aligned in our curriculum.

When students enter the media center we hope to reach all students with a cozy and comfortable atmosphere while they read a book in a special nook, share a story with a friend, discover the latest fun book series or even utilizing a new online program in the computer lab.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to Mrs. Yelvington at [email protected] if you have any questions or need assistance.


Our Media Center serves nearly 1,000 students at PCES.  Students visit the Media Center through the resource schedule (every 7 weeks) or

independently during Open Access hours to check out, read books, or work on research projects. Our library media program is an extension of the classroom, assisting students to locate, interpret, and communicate ideas.


Book Checkout and Policies

Kindergarten and first grade students may check out one book per library visit, second grade students may check out two books per visit, third, fourth, and fifth grade students may check out up to three books per visit.

Children are taught proper book care starting in kindergarten. Students are encouraged to keep their library books in their bookbags when not reading them to keep them safe. This policy also helps students keep track of their library books.

All library books are checked out for a period of 2 weeks and can be renewed if a student has the book with them and the book is not in high demand.  Children are responsible for keeping their library books safe from damage or loss. If a book is damaged or lost, children are responsible for paying for the book. Please help your child keep his/her library books safe.  If a student has an overdue book, they will not be permitted to check out more books until that book is returned.

Please refer to the links below for lost books and lost brag tags:




Collection and Focus

Our up-to-date, balanced collection includes approximately 8,000 items which include books, interactive books, eBooks, technology equipment, professional books and materials.  Our library has thirty-three student computers which students and staff may use to access our collection. Internet access is available on all computers under the guidelines of our district.  Students are expected to use the Clever app for all programs during their time in the media center.